Tuesday, January 6, 2015

One Year Blogiversary

It's My Anniversary!

Well......my blogs

One year ago I decided to create an online diary because I was just starting to learn my personality and I felt some changes were needed. I am happy to say that this blog has helped me vent, come to some realizations, and well.......vent some more.

Due to me writing a blog on how far ive come last week in my resolutions post I wont be long winded today. I will say I am proud of myself..... yeah for things that ive accomplished but mostly for sticking to the blog, starting something and finishing it is not my strong suite but school and this blog are two things I stayed commited to, and I am proud of that. I have told myself not to quit things because they are hard or because I like to procastinate or be lazy. I rebuked laziness from my life last year and while im still lazy I am no quitter lol so even with a lazy day I decide to pick myself off the couch and do what I have to do. My lazy is not cured but im not perfect so....

Anywho, to those silent readers, to the ones who comment and read, thank you! I always get random comments about my blog from people whom i had no idea read it. I may not see or know your reading but you guys are, so thanks!

I guess I will continue for another year and see what 2015 brings me!

As always, pray for me!