I have noticed that people who barely go to church, have nothing to do with God or church mention how the pastor and deacons and those who serve the church seem to have more than the congregation. I wont direct this to those that go and serve God because it is my belief that they should know better.
Here is my question to those people.....have you dedicated your WHOLE life to Christ? Is your everyday business Gods business only? Is your mission to spread the gospel? If you answered no....then this is why you dont have what they have. What they have is simple......its called favor, favor for being faithful to God.
When most of the congregation enters church ( and this is my OPINION) they enter with selfish intentions, wanting from God but never giving. And then there is the MYTH that the whole congregation is suffering or broke, just because that is YOUR story does not mean that this is everyones story. I know plenty of blessed and favored church folk, but then again this goes back to your dedication to a relationship with Christ.
There are also those that are confused on how a church is ran and what the tithe and offering is for.....if you believe that the point of tithes and offering was to magically teleport it to heaven, or a burning sacrifice you are sadly mistaken. The church has bills just like your home, and if a man of God is giving his whole life to God and leading the flock then he has to be taken care of and that is why some preachers recieve a salary, but ALOT of preachers still have a everyday job just like you and me. The point is not to take from us and live a better life. God finds many ways to take care of his people. Do not assume that all money goes to the preacher.....that is another Myth.
There are also those that are confused on how a church is ran and what the tithe and offering is for.....if you believe that the point of tithes and offering was to magically teleport it to heaven, or a burning sacrifice you are sadly mistaken. The church has bills just like your home, and if a man of God is giving his whole life to God and leading the flock then he has to be taken care of and that is why some preachers recieve a salary, but ALOT of preachers still have a everyday job just like you and me. The point is not to take from us and live a better life. God finds many ways to take care of his people. Do not assume that all money goes to the preacher.....that is another Myth.
Dont get me wrong, I believe there are a few Mega church preachers that are getting over on Gods people, looking at church as a way to gain a following and money for power, don't worry about them, their day will come, and as a Christian you are still supposed to love on and pray for them.....yes...love and pray, even for your enemies. Even with those snakes amoung us this is once again not everyones story. You cannot decide that all preachers are the same. There are hundreds of preachers living a normal scaled down life and are yet STILL more blessed than you.
Worry less about why the preacher has what he has because there is a reason for that, and no FALSE PROPHET will make it to heaven. We all have a journey to take. If you believe that the church is wrong, or that preachers are getting over on people stop TALKING about it and be about it. I can sit at home and read my bible and pray all day, but being faithful to him is to go out and spread that message the best way I can and if you arent doing that then why do you call yourself a Christian? Trust me, I am not doing half of what I should be doing to serve God, thats my own fault. I dont blame anyone for that, especially a preacher, im not perfect, noone is, and I dont expect to have more than someone who is more dedicated to Christ than me.With that being said, when I find the opportunity to tell someone about God I try to take it, and for that I have good favor alot of days.Instead of running your mouth on Gods people and tearing them down for having what YOU lack how about you Build your own church, learn God for yourself and be a better Christian, but dont be mad when someone who has dedicated their whole life to the Lord is clearly more favored than you......
Because after all......favor ain't fair......especially to those called but not chosen
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