Monday, January 6, 2014

My Life is Like Pumpkin Pie...........Bland

And this is my own fault.......

Passive- accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.

Introvert-One who focuses on the inner world of thoughts and ideas. One who gains energy from alone time, one who thinks before they speak.

I started with the definitions so that its easier to understand why I am the way that I am. Introverted behavior is not ALWAYS shy and timid, but being outgoing is a learned behavior for those of us that are introverts. There are various articles via google that explain us innies a little better. I didnt learn that I was one until a few months back, it helped me alot because I simply thought I was a weirdo. I am also passive, I had a come to Jesus moment about this yesterday after hearing a Joyce Myers Podcast. Now that i've realized these things, I now know why I am where I am in life. Here is a list of things I want to change, despite my personality that works against me sometimes. So here goes nothing...

  1. Be more outspoken-(Starting with this blog) Not in a loud way, my whole family is loud and thats why they can never truly hear each other.....I love them dearly though. I hate drama, it makes me feel sick, like literal stomach turning, so I surpress how I feel on a subject to simply keep drama at a bay, but what Ive learned is that people are used to this from me. They expect "Quiet Chrissy" "Respectable Chrissy" and my least favorite "Push-over Chrissy" ( dont ever call my Chrissy, i hate that nickname, it is family given derived from my Gov'ment name Christia). People cannot handle their own truth, and when EYE express the truth folks simply cant handle it, but Im starting to care less and less, it comes with age I guess. Ive become more talkative over the years but not outspoken, this needs to change.
  2. Be more aggressive, less passive- In everything, in pursuing jobs, in starting my business, in being an overall leader, can I lead?.....sure, am I an overall leader? Hell no, leading means being responsible if something goes wrong, which is a lot of pressure. I hate pressure, id rather be passive and fall back ( see the problem?). I simply need to get over myself and understand for every no you are closer to yes, BE AGGRESSIVE....BE E...AGGRESSIVE Gotta be more of a go getter.
  3. Keeping my word to myself-  This has never been a problem when it comes to others, but when it comes to me and my dreams I never keep my word, I never do more, never keep my goals. I read a quote on instagram that said " Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you" Nuff said......
  4. Practicing unwavering faith- God said pray and dont worry. You cant do both. I have a problem with having complete faith in God....PEOPLE are so good at not keeping their word that I tend to place God in the same category as humans, but God is no human, he is all, he is that he is, and I have to trust him. Practice makes perfect.
  5. Get out more- I am 27 with no license, ive learned that im not the only one but quite frankly its embarrassing and a huge part of the reason I cant be more social. I WILL be driving before summer, and when I do, ill be getting me some new friends because the old ones dont come get a nigga, I only exist if I can find my own way out, and if thats the case then cool, when im riding around and getting it I will NOT be reachable. Anywho even without a car if opportunity presents itself i will get out more. I cant expect to meet new friends or my future husband at the crib....
  6. Allow myself to be blessed by others- I hate for anybody to do anything for me, I hate to owe anyone anything, I dont borrow, I go without. I will NEVER be that girl, but I do have to allow God to work in my favor through people more often. I turn down alot because of pride, and thats how you miss your blessings.
  7. Lastly, find a mentor- nothing like having someone in your pocket for advice, but not just advice, but opportunity, and help in building your own business. People used to tell me to go to my grandma, or go to God.......and those people clearly dont know the purpose of a mentor. God is my everything and I love my grandma, but the point was clearly missed.

Well.....this is all I can think of, I made it up as I typed, so if anything comes up later I will blog about it separately. This is alot to change, and preferrably before 30, but I have learned that I cant put a time on EVERYTHING...... Especially when everything is in Gods timing, but im sure God would like a little freakin help from my lazy behind. 

Once again Pray For Me.

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