It has been Quite a year
First of all Let me just say that it has almost been a year since I started this blog, and i'm ALMOST at 1000 views, which isn't half bad seeing as how I only post every blue moon. When I started this blog I said that I wanted to be in a better place a year from now and would hopefully update with good news. I am happy to say that I am! Still so far to go though, which is why I will be setting new goals for the new year, last years goals were set and I accomplished quite a few of them, and then there are still some that have went un-accomplished.
I've come extremely far, I know more of who I am, I am MUCH more outspoken, I am SOOOOOO much more aware of where I want to be in life. I have finished school, I'm working, I have developed new and great friendships, I am more spiritually in tune, although I have kind of slacked in my walk with God lately.I can honestly say, that the INNER me is in a good place. Now time to work on the outer. With that said, here are my goals for the coming year....
I've come extremely far, I know more of who I am, I am MUCH more outspoken, I am SOOOOOO much more aware of where I want to be in life. I have finished school, I'm working, I have developed new and great friendships, I am more spiritually in tune, although I have kind of slacked in my walk with God lately.I can honestly say, that the INNER me is in a good place. Now time to work on the outer. With that said, here are my goals for the coming year....
1. Be more positive- This time last year I kind of set that same goal, and it worked for about 8 months, but as the pressure to finish school and find work grew so did the negativity. I am nowhere near as negative as I used to be, but i have noticed a shift. My goal is to be optimistic, so much so that people look to me to find positive energy.
2. Read my bible- this was part of last years goals too, and I did it, I have so much more of an understanding of who God is and what the Bible is REALLY saying, but I have slacked, I havent read .....really sat down and read, in months. Dont get it twisted though, my relationship with God is still strong, but it is my fault that it is not where it should be.
3. lose weight: My appearance is always together, I am not ashamed of me, or how I look or anything, i'm actually very confident, but there is a slight insecurity that can creep up on me every now and then and I imagine that losing some weight will make me even more confident. And I want to be healthy. 60-80 pounds, I wont set the bar too high.
4. Drive- Please don't judge me, I tried to get some help on that last year and noone wanted to, therefore I let it linger, and here I am a year later in the same space. I'll just pay someone to help me now lol.
5.Start a business- My online boutique, or photography. or BOTH! Plus the music side of me, all three have a place in my heart and I want to figure out how to fuse them all and start a business. I HATE working for other people. By the end of the year I want to be moving in that area. Set schedules are not for me.
6. Strengthen my relationships with people and start new ones- Now that i'm sure of who my real friends are, I want to go back to being the person I was before terrible friends robbed me of that, and it was the "Check-up" friend, the one who calls, and pushes, and supports. I am still that friend however I am VERY skeptical of people and I am not so WILLING. I've noticed I don't keep in touch how I should. I apologize if anyone feels like I have failed in the "Check-up" area, please understand that I became closed off due to never feeling important enough to others. Nothing personal. Also I wrote a blog about marriage so we shall see what 2015 brings in that area lol. Your greatest resource is PEOPLE never forget that....... and I want to meet rich and successful people too, not just any ole body. Networking is so important.
7.Blog more: I admit I am lazy, I will try.
8.Save Money: One thing I realized in working in the industry I currently work in is how IMPORTANT it is to save money. I've seen people come in with hundreds of dollars worth of coin saved, money saved from every $20 dollar bill they broke, or CD's and special savings filled with money, and I literally feel broke some days! There are so many ways to save, so many techniques, and I should practice them, I never want to be caught up where I have no way to survive again in life. Please save people.....please. Life is unpredictable, don't be caught slippin.
9.HAVE MORE FUN!!! - I have already started. That was a last years goal too, and I can say that I get out more often, and I still dont have to smoke or drink just to be a good time.
10. I dont have a tenth goal- Maybe finish my AA? Go out of town more? Go see Beyonce in concert? Idk lol.
Those are my goals. Please feel free to post yours, and don't be afraid to hold me accountable, I wont trip if I hear "I thought you were gonna be more positive?" or "Why are you eating that, didnt you wanna lose weight?". I will consider it support and not shade lol!